
A Class Act: Celebrating the Graduating 2024 Class of Leadership Portland

June 2024

This June, the 2024 Leadership Portland class celebrated the bittersweet end of their series of insightful program days with a relaxing graduation day held at NW Natural. This year’s cohort, featuring PMC’s Senior Director of Events and Sponsorships Ashley Odil, demonstrated exceptional engagement. They became a team and participated in program days focused on arts and culture, governance, and skill-building.

Amidst the class participants, Commissioner Carmen Rubio attended to share a few words and encouraged the graduating class to continue their path of learning, growing as professionals, and participating in Portland’s civic empowerment.

If you’re interested in participating as part of the 2026 class, mark your calendars for applications going live in Spring 2025.

No better time than the present to inspire and promote the next Portland leader in your organization!

The Leadership Portland program is presented with support from:

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