
Rational Unicorn Legal Services

March 2022

Tell us a little bit about Rational Unicorn Legal Services.
Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC practices community business law for everyone in the community. As a certified Oregon Benefit Company, we offer attainable, collaborative, inclusive, and connected legal services. Our down-to-earth attorneys specialize in authentic, magical support for small businesses, nonprofit organizations, artists and entertainers. We now offer our full service menu of business and intellectual property law services to Oregon, Washington, and California. Whether it’s contract reviewing or drafting, commercial lease negotiating, or trademarking, we love working with clients who are passionate about what they do and the communities they live and work in.
What do you love most about your business?
We focus on serving a need to the community, using business law to help people create opportunities. We are community-based and community-focused.

What does the future of Rational Unicorn Legal — your industry as a whole–look like to you?
We want to continue to grow as the community needs. Looking to help people with the good, bad, and challenging. As we move beyond the pandemic, we want to get back to facilitating in-person events, focused on networking and education to help people become successful with their reopening plans.
We hope to continue to grow in all three states and not just be a regular law firm. We want to be a resource and help businesses that are worried, scared, or unsure fulfill their dreams and help them reach their goal or work towards a brighter future.

Rational Unicorn Legal Services became a member in 2018 why do you continue to renew your membership?
Through our membership, we find resources that are helpful for our business, whether it be networking events, education, or opportunities for civil engagement. The Alliance is a resource that we  share with our clients, that helps them become sustainable and successful.

What should other Alliance members know about Rational Unicorn Legal Services?
We challenge people to stop and ask themselves ‘why are we doing the things we are doing?’ Why are we doing everything the same way that it has always been done? We want people to think outside of the box and be there to help them with the legal services. Encouraging people to be creative, authentic, and do the things that are close to their hearts.