
Oregon Businesses & Organizations Condemn Political Violence

June 2021

Oregon has always been a place known for its outspoken civil discourse. Our rich tradition of exercising our First Amendment rights and strengthening democratic institutions is what sets this great state apart. Our protests, debates and disagreements have been a hallmark of what makes us special. This vibrant civic engagement continues to draw increasing numbers of people here from across the country seeking a state that routinely challenges itself to be a better place.

Disappointingly, bigoted and anti-democratic movements have used those same First Amendment rights as cover for increasing direct threats and physical violence to build political power. As leaders, we believe that escalating political violence threatens to dismantle our democratic institutions. By coming together to denounce political violence, attacks on access to our democracy, and threats of violence, we can effectively counter bigoted and anti-democratic activity and recommit ourselves to building an inclusive democracy that reflects our shared values.

Across Oregon today, businesses and community organizations are helping our state recover from the deadly pandemic that has already taken too many lives. We are trying to rebuild our regional economy and put Oregonians back to work. But our recovery won’t be complete if we don’t also address the rise in hate violence and assaults on inclusive democracy that our state and nation have seen. Our leaders must condemn bigotry and recommit to safeguarding basic democratic norms.

The signatories to this letter come from various spheres of civil society, and we may not always agree on every issue. When we disagree, we do it with respect.

Most importantly, we agree that we all must work to make our state a better place, and that business leaders have a critical interest in speaking out to protect democracy to maintain the stability and inclusion that lead to prosperity for all Oregonians.

We speak with one, unequivocal voice to say with absolute clarity that violence and bigotry are never the way to resolve our differences. Violence poses a dangerous threat to our public safety and a healthy democratic practice. Every Oregonian deserves to be able to participate in our democracy and civic discourse without fear, intimidation, or unnecessary barriers. Elected officials who explicitly or subtly encourage this political violence should be held accountable. Anyone indulging conspiracy theories or engaging with movements that exploit bigotry to raise campaign dollars is complicit.

All of us play an essential role in helping to end political violence and repair the damage our democracy has suffered.
we pledge to:
Be guided by our shared values of equity, inclusion and multiracial democracy and our belief that every Oregonian should live free from bigotry and fear.
Commit to resolving disputes nonviolently, actively denounce acts or threats of violence, and avoid the use of language, symbols, memes, or gestures associated with the promotion of bigotry.
Commit to, in our own civic engagement, being respectful of the legislative and democratic process, including refraining from behaviors that have an intimidating effect, or that constitute harassment.
Actively denounce any appeal in our political discourse to exploit bigotry and intolerance.
Commit to not engaging in political activities that undermine democratic institutions, but instead strengthen them and make them more inclusive and equitable.
Commit to withholding all forms of support, including campaign contributions, for political candidates who either actively support political violence or neglect to condemn political violence when it comes from their allies or supporters.
Take action within 24 months to memorialize these rules in our organizational operating guidelines or governing documents, so that participation in our organizations is contingent upon agreement to these principles and making this pledge.
Never forget that Oregon’s best days are ahead of us and that we all have a responsibility to build a more just future.
Join us and learn more at

supported by:
Blackbird Benefits Collective
Brand Mechanic
Brown & Brown NW Insurance
Buckingham Strategic Wealth
Business for a Better Portland
Crayon Advisory, LLC
Fubonn Shopping Center
Fuze7 Marketing
Gard Communications
Greater Portland Inc.
Melvin Mark Companies
North Star Civic Foundation
NW Natural
Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative
Oregon Entrepreneurs Network
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon Pride in Business (formally PABA)
Oregon Tradeswomen
Oregon Wild
Portland Business Alliance
Portland General Electric
Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors
Produce Row Property Management Co.
Rational Unicorn Legal Services
ROSE Community Development
TenBridge Partners
TMT Development
Tonkon Torp