We are excited to announce that the Portland Business Alliance will now be the Portland Metro Chamber. While our name and look might be changing, our mission to create opportunity and advance well-being for all who live and work here and our commitment to the greater Portland region remains the same. We will still connect people, provide opportunities to shape the business leaders of tomorrow and advocate on behalf of employers and the business community.
Why we changed our name
We weren’t planning on changing our name. But, as our organization has evolved and grown to reflect our changing community, we realized that we needed a name that better represented who we are: the chamber of commerce for the Portland metropolitan region.
What about Portland Business Alliance?
The Portland Business Alliance name won’t be going away. It will now correctly represent the collective three organizations, Downtown Portland Clean & Safe, the Portland Metro Chamber and Partners in Diversity, under the Charitable Institute. Our three organizations share a commitment to making this region and state a better and more equitable place for everyone and we are stronger together.

Looking forward
This new name and brand defines the community we serve, incorporate our city’s most iconic features and highlight our legacy as a civic organization to carry us into the future. Looking forward, our brand and work continues to align with our mission and core values.
Our Mission
To advance opportunity and well-being for all who live and work in the Portland and SW Washington region.
Our Core Values
Equity: we support access, opportunity and advancement for all people. We recognize unfair bias and historic discrimination, and work to eliminate barriers.
Collaboration: we embrace connectivity, and work together respectfully to drive solutions.
Resiliency: we meet setbacks with openness to listening, learning and adaptation.
Integrity: we give the honest answer and we do what we say we will.
Transparency: we are accessible, active and visible to the community.