
Search Results

Your search for People received 78 results.

Enough is enough

…economy recovery from a multitude of crises, a small handful of people caused enormous damage to homes, cultural institutions, and businesses small and large; that will set our region back…

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Portland: “We have a choice: chaos or community”

…your teams as we all navigate current events. Please see links to resources below, provided by our teams at Partners in Diversity. And support events that bring people together: Hope…

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PBA recognizes female business leaders with 2021 “A Place With No Ceiling” Awards

people, which in turn helps them understand what is needed for businesses and careers. As founder Pat Welch says: “We’re a human-centric company, not a metrics-driven one. Success comes from…

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Member Spotlight: Skaut Coffee Roasters

A profile of Chamber member Skaut Coffee Roasters and its founder Eugene Jung. icon arrow right

Oregon Businesses & Organizations Condemn Political Violence

…state apart. Our protests, debates and disagreements have been a hallmark of what makes us special. This vibrant civic engagement continues to draw increasing numbers of people here from across…

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We have an obligation to get Charter Reform right

Vote 'No' on Measure 26-288 in November, then work with the Alliance to support the right change in May 2023. icon arrow right

POLL: Voter pessimism has leveled off but homelessness and crime remain top issues

The purpose of the survey was to track opinions about the economy, jobs, and community issues over time, as well as to measure support for policy proposals. icon arrow right

2017 Economic Check-up: Workforce and Investment Climate

people up again – one big driver of innovation and entrepreneurial activity is a recession, 3) the venture capital investment generally has been cooling down throughout the U.S. In addition,…

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2023 State of the Economy & State of Downtown reports released

The report highlights: jobs recovery trends, continued population decline in Multnomah County, growing unaffordability, and a comparative tax analysis. icon arrow right