
505,700 Oregon jobs are connected to trade, report finds

June 2019

Today, the Portland Business Alliance, Pacific Northwest International Trade Association (PNITA) and the Value of Jobs coalition, with research conducted by ECONorthwest, released the 2019 Oregon State of Trade report, which tracks the latest data and explores the impact of international trade across the greater Portland region and the state of Oregon.

Oregon’s state of trade at a glance:
505,700 jobs connected to trade in Oregon (1 in 5).
Trade with Canada and Mexico supported 154,000 Oregon jobs in 2017.
$58,730, average wage, weighted, 11% above state average.
$28 billion produced and exported goods and services in 2017.
12% gross domestic product (GDP) depends on exports in Oregon.
88% exporters in Oregon are small and medium businesses.

Portland’s state of trade at a glance:
Portland is #14 of top 100 U.S. metros for highest export share of GDP.
12.6% of regional GDP supported by trade.
76,700 jobs directly supported by trade in Portland.
$20 billlion in goods and services exported from Portland.
$8.8 billion (1.58 million tons) exported from our region’s three main port facilities in 2018.

The full report, including detailed data, can be found at