
Emerging Professionals Program announces new nonprofit partners

June 2024

The Emerging Professional of Portland (EPOP) is a program of the Portland Metro Chamber aimed at supporting emerging professionals in their career development. Through this program, participants have the chance to enhance their professional skills, build meaningful peer networks, and connect with business leaders.

EPOP provides a variety of programming that focuses on:

  • Educational and Professional Development: Workshops, seminars, and training sessions designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of emerging professionals.
  • Civic Engagement: Opportunities to get involved in community service and understand the civic landscape of Portland.
  • Networking Opportunities: Events and activities that facilitate connections among peers and established business leaders, fostering a supportive professional community.

An aspect of EPOP is its annual partnership with 10 nonprofits. These partnerships, which are from July to June each fiscal year, offer nonprofits a platform to showcase their essential work and engage with the business community. Through this collaboration, nonprofits gain visibility and support, while emerging professionals learn about and contribute to impactful community initiatives.

The Chamber is excited to announce the 2024-2025 EPOP nonprofit partners:

Thank you to EPOP’s program sponsors for their continued support:

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